GBA emulator for the 3DS.

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


GBA emulator for the 3DS based on vba-next. Currently runs slowly and has no sound.

Download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/fraixj1fn9ql3w4/3DSGBA.zip?dl=0

Requires devkitARM to build.


File selector:

  • A - Select a file/directory.
  • B - Go back one directory.
  • START + SELECT - Exit the emulator.
  • TOUCH - Resumes emulation if a game is active.


  • Normal GBA buttons control the game.
  • X - Saves a save state.
  • Y - Loads a save state.
  • TOUCH - Opens the file selector, pausing the emulation.