Since Doctrine's SqlWalker serves as a translator from DQL AST to SQL, it becomes problematic when you want to alter resulting SQL within multiple libraries by such approach. There just can be only single SqlWalker.
This library solves this issue, by providing HintHandler
base class which is designed for SQL modification
and can be used multiple times in $queryBuilder->setHint()
composer require shipmonk/doctrine-hint-driven-sql-walker
->setHint(Query::HINT_CUSTOM_OUTPUT_WALKER, HintDrivenSqlWalker::class)
->setHint(MaxExecutionTimeHintHandler::class, 1000)
Where MaxExecutionTimeHintHandler
just extends our HintHandler
and picks some SqlNode
to hook to and alters appropriate SQL part:
class MaxExecutionTimeSqlWalker extends HintHandler
public function getNodes(): array
return [SqlNode::SelectClause];
public function processNode(
SqlNode $sqlNode,
string $sql,
): string
// grab the 1000 passed to ->setHint()
$milliseconds = $this->getHintValue();
// edit SQL as needed
return preg_replace(
'~^SELECT (.*?)~',
"SELECT /*+ MAX_EXECUTION_TIME($milliseconds) */ \\1 ",
SqlNode is an enum of all walkXxx
methods in Doctrine's SqlWalker, so you are able to intercept any part of AST processing the SqlWalker does.
- shipmonk/doctrine-mysql-optimizer-hints (since v2)
- shipmonk/doctrine-mysql-index-hints (since v3)
Version | PHP Compatibility | doctrine/orm |
v1 | 7.2 - 8.3 | 2.x |
v2 | 8.1 - 8.3 | 3.x |