Dream Jobs Listing Website

Click here for the Live Website URL: https://dream-jobs-76f13.web.app

Project Features

  • Website Have Login, Registration & Google Sign-Up Features
  • The website has Dark & Light Theme Features
  • After Login, The User Shows the Name and image On the Navbar
  • Logged-in users can Add or Update Job Post
  • When a User applies for A Job The Confirmation Mail is sent through Email
  • Users can download the applied job information in PDF format
  • When a user applies for a job the Applicant count increase
  • Logged users Can Update Or Remove The Job Post That The Added
  • Added Pagination System On The All Job Page
  • Added Search Option, Filter By Categories, and Sorting system
  • Added a Tabular System On the applied job page
  • After Login, the Applied Job, My Jobs, and Add Job Pages are visible to users otherwise, they will be private
  • Added Animation For Better User Experience
  • Added 404 not found page