
Low-level primitives for collapsed Gibbs sampling in python and C++

Primary LanguageC++BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause


Build Status Latest Version DOI

Distributions provides low-level primitives for collapsed Gibbs sampling in Python and C++ including:

  • special numerical functions,
  • samplers and density functions from a variety of distributions,
  • conjugate component models (e.g., gamma-Poisson, normal-inverse-chi-squared),
  • clustering models (e.g., CRP, Pitman-Yor), and
  • efficient wrappers for mixture models.

Distributions powered a machine-learning-as-a-service for Prior Knowledge Inc., and now powers machine learning infrastructure at Salesforce.com.


For python-only support (no C++) you can install with pip:

pip install distributions

For help with other builds, see the installation documentation.


The official documentation lives at http://distributions.readthedocs.org/.

Branch-specific documentation lives at

Authors (alphabetically)


Copyright (c) 2014 Salesforce.com, Inc. All rights reserved.

Licensed under the Revised BSD License. See LICENSE.txt for details.