A positioning engine to make overlays, tooltips and dropdowns better
- 2
UI Improvement
#1441 opened by olaoluwaayanbola - 1
`tether-drop` does not work with v2.0
#1446 opened by ericyd - 5
Write tests for all examples
#313 opened by RobbieTheWagner - 3
When using two different bodyElements, the zeroElement is reused between them causing position to be completely off
#907 opened by neryams - 4
- 20
Dead links in the readme
#462 opened by jkeen - 1
Location of dist folder (tether version-1.3.3)
#978 opened by MrFrogM - 1
What are the breaking changes for v2.0.0?
#936 opened by RamonBalthazar - 3
Update event never change after first update
#277 opened by andresgutgon - 11
#312 opened by RobbieTheWagner - 0
ReferenceError: document is not defined
#834 opened by diegohaz - 3
Tether to place elements relative to the screen?
#719 opened by marcusx2 - 2
Examples not showing?
#654 opened by tony - 2
- 2
spanish translation
#280 opened by dbucci24 - 1
Material-UI elements are blocked by modal
#404 opened by Baspa - 13
Transferring ownership
#303 opened by RobbieTheWagner - 1
Automatic attachment position
#373 opened by VladimirAnaniev - 2
Tether not working?
#262 opened by basementmedia2 - 1
- 0
Write unit tests for extend util
#358 opened by RobbieTheWagner - 2
npm run build
#351 opened by knoxcard2 - 7
getScrollParents util can push "null" as sole scroll parent when body has not been rendered, causing fatal error
#285 opened by circAssimilate - 1
Constraits doesn't work with parent scroll based on CSS transform (like smooth-scrollbar)
#281 opened by Naararouter - 0
Remove jQuery leftovers
#332 opened by RobbieTheWagner - 1
- 0
- 2
- 2
Dropdown not working on Android
#267 opened by hackuun - 0
- 2
Uglify breaks library: "Super expression must either be null or a function, not undefined"
#298 opened by sekoyo - 3
Does not compile with parcel-bundler
#284 opened by pke - 0
- 1
Not Compatible with TypeScript compiler
#263 opened by nolawnchairs - 1
Dist not included in npm package
#272 opened by G1itcher - 2
#287 opened by thomsonimjd - 1
Compiling issue: 5:29-36 Critical dependency
#294 opened by 13addata - 0
dist/js/tether.min.js is outdated
#256 opened by 0b01 - 1
problem with tether working 😕
#288 opened by miladjamali - 1
Translation in portuguese brazil
#297 opened by Tiano1972 - 1
No test cases to run the package
#293 opened by ShreyaGoel08 - 5
Add option to force rounding of placement
#296 opened by jeremyk - 8
- 1
Popups don't appear when fullscreen
#266 opened by xastor - 9
Static build failure (v1.4.1)
#274 opened by alexsasharegan - 0
When using a relatively positioned bodyElement tether doesn't work as expected
#279 opened by priyajeet - 1
Is tether connected to scroll event?
#270 opened by prajapati-parth - 1
Font blur while setting font scale in windows
#265 opened by Sinozet - 1
feat: Match target width/height
#264 opened by voliva - 1
Hide element when target is hidden
#254 opened by MikeDevice