
The eBay LMSSample application, with some recurring job calls added.

Primary LanguageJava

NOTE: This project has been modified from its original form. The original can be found here[http://developer.ebay.com/DevZone/large-merchant-services/HowTo/JavaSample/LMSSample.zip].

I could not get most of the WSDL generation stuff to work, so I scrapped it and just included the jar in lib.

*************** README for Large Merchant Services Java Sample ***************


  - Java Web Services Developer Pack which can be downloaded from: https://jax-ws.dev.java.net/    
  - JDK 1.6 or higher 


After extracting the LMSSample.zip file, you should have:

		-  this ReadMe file
		-  LMSSample.jar file
		-  configuration.xml file
		-  a sample AddFixedPriceItem.xml file which can be uploadeded to eBay using this application
                -  src folder contains the source code for this sample Java application
                -  the jaxws-codeGen.xml fle
                -  the build.xml file
                -  the WSDL directory that includes both BulkDataExchangeService.wsdl and FileTransferService.wsdl files
                -  lib folder (result of CodeGen)
                -  binding folder (result of CodeGen)

Run the Large Merchant Services Sample using the .jar file:
1. Go to LMSSample installation directory

2. Add your Sandbox Auth Token.

   Open the configuration.xml file and replace the words, "replace this with your Sandbox token" with your own Sandbox AuthToken string.    Save and close the file.
3. Run the .jar sample from a command window. 

   If you run "java -jar LMSSample.jar" (as shown in the following example) without any parameters, it will display the runtime options.


    >java -jar LMSSample.jar

Re-build the Large Merchant Services Sample project
1. Go to the directory where you installed the LMSSample

2. At a command prompt, run the following: 
  > ant -f build.xml

Generate BulkDataExchangeService and FileTransferService client Stubs  
NOTE. For synchronizing the source with new version of WSDLs, you need to download the latest WSDLs specified in the following URL and save them to the ./WSDL folder

1. Set the system variable JWSDP_HOME to point to your Java Web Services Developer Pack installation folder

2. Go to LMSSample installation directory

3. At a command prompt, run the following: 

  >ant -f jaxws-codeGen.xml

  This command do the following steps:
   a.  Create source code against both BulkDataExchangeService and FileTransferService WSDLs saved in ./WSDL folder
   b.  Compile the generated stub files 
   c.  Create one jar file named FileTransferService_BulkDataExchangeService.jar and save it to the ./lib directory.