
Public repo for QA interview assessments

Primary LanguageJava

Welcome! The QA Assessment is comprised of two test development exercises, one for frontend web application test automation using either the WebdriverIO JS test framework or the Java Selenium test framework. The second is for a backend API test using a test automation framework of your choice.

This repo contains a frontend assessment test body that is expected to be filled in and executed in the WindriverIO test framework or the Java Selenium framework. This assumes you have an already existing Node/WebdriverIO or Java/Selenium environment installed locally on your machine.

Instructions: 1. Clone this repo to your local machine. 2. Extract a copy of the appropriate test case file to the targeted automation framework, i.e., frontend-assessment.spec.js file and move it to the test/specs folder of your local WindriverIO environment, or the frontend-assessment.java file and move it to the src folder of your local Eclipse or IntelliJ environment. 3. Open the test/specs/frontend-assessment.spec.js or src/frontend-assessment.java test case file and follow the intructions. 4. Be prepared to walk through your test case code and provide an execution demonstration from your local environment.

If you do not already have a WindriverIO environment installed on your local machine, follow the instructions provided in the following resources:

1. Install Node - https://nodejs.org/en
2. Install WindriverIO - https://v7.webdriver.io/docs/gettingstarted

This repo also includes a backend assessment test body that may, or may not, be used for the API test case, but the backend assessment test file does contain the instructions for the exercise.