
Creation of Challenges for surf maps in CS:GO with Surftimer

Primary LanguageSourcePawnGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


This plugin is suposed to be used alongside SurfTimer

Allows the creation of challenges and the customization of them. You can customize the map, style, duration of the callenge and points received.


  • Download latest release, exctract and drop the contents of MapChallenge.zip into your csgo/addons/sourcemod folder




Current Challenge info display

image image

Current Challenge Leaderboard


Challenge Player Profiles


Discord Integration

Notification when a challenge is created


Notification when a challenge ends


How To

Command Description
sm_add_challenge Add new challenge
sm_end_challenge Ends the ongoing challenge
sm_challenge Displays additional information of the ongoing challenge
sm_mcp Displays the players profile
sm_mctop Displays the overall challenge top players (TOP 50)
sm_mcct Displays the ongoing challenge leaderboard (TOP 50)
sm_mct Displays remaining time left of the current challenge


Prefix Description
n Normal
sw Sideways
hsw Half-Sideways
bw Backwards
lg Low-Gravity
sm Slow Motion
ff Fast Forward
fs Freestyle
Prefix Description
d OR D Days
h OR H Hours
m OR M Minutes

Examples of creating a New Challenge

Command Format - sm_add_challenge <mapname> <style> <top1_points> <<time_prefix>duration>

/add_challenge surf_beginner #n 420 d1.5 - Creates a Challenge for 1 day and a half in Normal style with the Winner receiving 420 points
/add_challenge surf_beginner #hsw 666 h0.5 - Creates a Challenge for half an hour in Half-Sideways style with the Winner receiving 666 points

More Details

  • The plugin only allows 1 challenge occuring at the same time (for now idk)
  • If there is a challenge on going, it will automatically stop if it reaches the final date OR if an admin uses sm_end_challenge
  • The point distribution is done automatically when a challenge ends
  • If there is a challenge on going all players ingame will be notified in which map it is
  • When used with SurfTimer-Discord (optional) it allows you to set a custom role name for pings

Future Ideas

  • Discord Integration (Done)
  • Multiple Challenges (Coming Soon TM)
  • Better point distribuition (?)
  • Add discord notification when the challenge has ended with the player who won (Done)
  • Racing (1vs1) (In development)