
the code and dataset of course 3D reconstructure

Primary LanguagePython



  1. Clone the project repository to your local machine:
git clone https://github.com/shirahanesuoh-mayuri/CV-3D-Project.git
  1. Install the project dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt


  1. Navigate to the yolov8 directory
cd CV-3D-Project/code/yolov5
  1. Train the model
python train.py
  1. Evaluate on the test dataset
python evaluation.py
  1. Navigate to the yolov8 directory
cd CV-3D-Project/code/yolov8
  1. Train the model
python main.py
  1. Evaluate on the test dataset
python evaluation.py

Data Source

The first two datasets are used as our training dataset, the third one is our test dataset:

  1. Driver Drowsiness Dataset (DDD): https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/ismailnasri20/driver-drowsiness-dataset-ddd/data the size of this dataset is 3GB, more than 4.1k images.

  2. Drowsiness Prediction Dataset: https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/rakibuleceruet/drowsiness-prediction-dataset/data the size of this dataset is 2GB, with 9120 files.

  3. Test data: https://github.com/bindujiit/Driver-Drowsiness-Dataset-D3S-/blob/main/README.md[5]