Shipment Tracking and Weather API

Python Version Django Version Django Rest Framework


This Django project is designed to provide end-users with the ability to track shipments and obtain current weather conditions at their specified location. It offers a RESTful API for retrieving shipment details and weather data based on tracking numbers and carriers. The project integrates with a weather API service to fetch weather information and caches it to minimize API calls.


Shipment Tracking

  • Retrieve Shipments: Users can query shipments based on tracking numbers or carrier names.

  • Shipment Details: The API provides shipment details such as tracking number, carrier, sender and receiver addresses, article information (name, quantity, price, SKU), and shipment status.

  • Automated Weather Integration: Weather data for the receiver's location (determined by zip code) is automatically integrated into the shipment data.

Weather Integration

  • Current Weather Data: The system fetches current weather conditions from an external weather API (Weatherbit) based on the receiver's zip code.

  • Weather Data Caching: To minimize API calls and reduce response times, weather data is cached. Weather information for the same location (zip code) is refreshed at most every 2 hours.

Data Models

The project includes the following data models:

  • Shipment Model: Stores shipment information, including tracking number, carrier, sender and receiver addresses, article details, SKU, and status.

  • Weather data: Stores weather information in Redis cache.

Clone the Repository

Clone the project repository to your local machine:

git clone

Set Up Environment Variables

  1. Create a .env file in the project's root directory.
  2. Add your Weather API Key to the .env file as follows:

Replace your_weather_api_key_here with your actual Weather API Key.

Install Dependencies

Create and activate a virtual environment (optional but recommended):

python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate

Install project dependencies:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Configure Redis

Ensure that Redis is installed and running on your system. Update the CACHES settings in to point to your Redis instance.

Run Migrations

Apply database migrations:

python migrate

Run the Development Server

Start the Django development server:

python runserver

The project will be accessible at http://localhost:8000.


  • Retrieve shipments by tracking number or carrier: GET /api/shipments/?tracking_number=TN12345678
  • Retrieve shipments by carrier: GET /api/shipments/?carrier=DHL