This model will assist the credit card sanctioning companies, in order to decide whether to approve a credit card to a particular customer who has applied for one, or reject the application.
i) Occupation Type
ii) Education Type
iii) Housing Type
iv) Income Type
v) Total Income Amount
vi) Employed Years
vii) Age of the person
viii) Family Status
ix) Family Members Count
x) Children's Count
xi) Gender of the person
xii) Person has a Car?
xiii) Person has Realty?
xiv) E-Mail provided?
xv) Personal Phone provided?
xvi) Work Phone provided?
The credit records of the past applicants, which the credit car provider has in storage, is also taken into consideration.
i) 'C' : 'Good_Debt'
ii) 'X' : 'Good_Debt'
iii) '0' : 'Good_Debt'
iv) '1' : 'Neutral_Debt'
v) '2' : 'Neutral_Debt'
vi) '3' : 'Bad_Debt'
vii) '4' : 'Bad_Debt'
viii) '5' : 'Bad_Debt'
The criterion for credit card approval, with the help of the 'Good', 'Neutral' or 'Bad' Debt history is:-
i) 'Good_Debt' > 'Neutral_Debt'
ii) 'Good_Debt' > 'Bad_Debt'
iii) 'Neutral_Debt' > 'Bad_Debt'
i) 'Neutral_Debt' > 'Good_Debt'
ii) 'Bad_Debt' > 'Good_Debt'
ii) 'Bad_Debt' > 'Neutral_Debt'