
Primary LanguagePython

Israblog Migration to Wordpress

This is the online-deployed version of the original Israblog backup repo. It's almost entirely based on the original repo and the work done by Eliram, with a few modifications made by Shir to create the Wordpress-style XML.


  • Python 3

Installation and Usage (Source directory!)

  1. Download or clone the repo.
  2. cd into the project directory.
  3. Run pip install -r requirements.txt to install dependencies (they're necessary for the Wordpress conversion).
  4. Run flask with:
    • export FLASK_APP=app.py
    • export FLASK_ENV=development (Recommended)
    • flask run
  5. Save your backup file in accordance with the instructions, upload it and download the newly converted file.


  1. app.py - The app file (runs on Flask).
  2. convert.py - Converts the Israblog HTML backup into XML/JSON.
  3. convert_to_wp.py - Converts the Israblog HTML backup into a Wordpress XML.
  4. templates - Folder that contains the two HTML templates required for the deployed version.
  5. static - Folder that contains the static client-side files, such as JavaScript and CSS files.
  6. uploads - A placeholder folder to contain all file uploads.


  1. pytz - A timezone utility for Python. For more information, check their PyPI page.
  2. flask - Flask is a Python microframework used to build and run the local server on which the app is running. For full Flask documentation, try the Flask website.
  3. gunicorn - A Python WSGI HTTP Server for UNIX. For more information, check their website.

Known Issues

There are no current issues at the time.