An extremely minimal and simple monitoring collector for servers
I run some simple home servers and was tired of the complexity involved with big monitoring tools, none of them were trivial to implement.
What I wanted was an option that could just be dropped in without extensive dependencies and a trivial configuration requiring little to no input to get started.
The initial plan (subject to change) is to use flask and peewee to build a passive monitoring server with a REST api.
Why Flask?
Flask includes a minimal webserver component as well as the ability to use uwsgi or cgi. This allows the tool to be run minimally by itself, but can be scaled up later by using a traditional webserver.
Why peewee?
I wanted a database interface that allowed me to both use sqlite (as a default) and allow the user to configure a full database server if they desired.
While I could have used sqlalchemy as I have in other projects in the past, I wanted to try something simpler and found peewee. If it doesn't work out, I'll probably switch to the more traditional sqlalchemy.
The plan is for the web interface to take POST or GET requests in a key/value format, with the value being a signed float. I will likely include a shared secret field for minimal authentication and identification (however I do not plan to implement ssl natively; if security is a concern I recommend using a full webserver).
Each of these requests the server will store in a single table containing the timestamp of the request, the origin (identified by the secret), the key and the value. I plan the value to be locked to a float to allow for all common types of monitoring output (float can easily encompass short integers and booleans). Another reason for the constrained format is so that it's possible to have a flexible single table to simplify creation of monitors.
I plan on monitor creation to be automatic at first update.
The reason I'm aiming for a basic REST interface and pointedly wanting to allow updates via GET requests is so that collectors could be as simple as curl requests.
Eventually I'll eventually include sample/common collectors. But I want it to be trivial to throw together a collector.
I'm always fond of the philosophy: "Do one thing and do it well" and honestly don't want to expend significant effort on a display interface.
As a minimal interface, I plan to serve up a static html page at the root path and display data via javascript requests to the api. This page will ideally be configurable so that users can swap it out.
I might package other tools later to provide basic extraction and/or display on the command line.
Initially I do not plan on implementing notifications. However I imagine that I will likely attach them as a step in accepting the update requests from collectors.
- Uses Flask (web interface and request handling), Peewee (database), and PyYaml (configuration files)
- Searches for mandatory configuration files in the following order:
- ./simplemonitor.conf
- ~/.simplemonitor.conf
- /etc/simplemonitor/simplemonitor.conf
- db_url config option allows passing db configuration directly to peewee
- bind_ip and bind_port can optionally be specified (defaults to "" and 9999)
- Uses secrets list in config file for minimal authentication and identification. See examples directory for an example.
- Requirements can be installed with "pip install -r requirements.txt"
- Data can be inserted by making a get request to http://<hostname/ip>:/api/update?secret=&tag=&value=
- There's currently no built in method for viewing data. However, database is not kept open when not in use, so sqlite copies can be copied and read in any sqlite browser. All data is in "Monitor" table in a self-explanitory layout.