Fetch tweets using javascript
This is very straight plugin to fetch tweets using javascript.
Fetching tweets with javascrpt is not allowed by default, so i found the other way by using widget as medium.
- Go to www.twitter.com and sign in then go to your settings page.
- Go to "Widgets" on the left hand side.
- Create a new widget as you like.
- Check "exclude replies" if you dont want replies in results.
- Now go back to settings -> widgets page, you will see the widget you just created. Click edit.
- Now look at the URL in your web browser, you will see a long number like this: 441110970094473216.
- Use this as your ID below!
function tweets(tws){
$.each(tws, function(i,o){
// You can do as you wish with the values in 'o' objects.
// this will fetch tweets of the given widget id and pass the tweets to tweets function
tw.fetch('441110970094473216', 20, tweets);
I made is as simple as i can so, you can extend it as you wish. Let me know if you need any additions.