This package implements the PusSubEngine Interface from the graphql-subscriptions package. It allows you to connect your subscriptions manger to an MQTT enabled Pub Sub broker to support horizontally scalable subscriptions setup. This package is an adapted version of my graphql-redis-subscriptions package.
import { MQTTPubSub } from 'graphql-mqtt-subscriptions';
const pubsub = new MQTTPubSub(); // connecting to mqtt://localhost on default
const subscriptionManager = new SubscriptionManager({
setupFunctions: {},
As the graphql-redis-subscriptions package, this package support
a trigger transform function. This trigger transform allows you to use the channelOptions
object provided to the SubscriptionManager
instance, and return trigger string which is more detailed then the regular trigger.
First I create a simple and generic trigger transform
const triggerTransform = (trigger, {path}) => [trigger, ...path].join('.');
Note that I expect a
field to be passed to thechannelOptions
but you can do whatever you want.
Next, I'll pass the triggerTransform
to the MQTTPubSub
const pubsub = new MQTTPubSub({
Lastly, I provide a setupFunction for commentsAdded
subscription field.
It specifies one trigger called comments.added
and it is called with the channelOptions
object that holds repoName
path fragment.
const subscriptionManager = new SubscriptionManager({
setupFunctions: {
commentsAdded: (options, {repoName}) => ({
'comments/added': {
channelOptions: { path: [repoName] },
Note that here is where I satisfy my
dependency on thepath
When I call subscribe
like this:
const query = `
subscription X($repoName: String!) {
commentsAdded(repoName: $repoName)
const variables = {repoName: 'graphql-redis-subscriptions'};
subscriptionManager.subscribe({ query, operationName: 'X', variables, callback });
The subscription string that Redis will receive will be comments.added.graphql-redis-subscriptions
This subscription string is much more specific and means the the filtering required for this type of subscription is not needed anymore.
This is one step towards lifting the load off of the graphql api server regarding subscriptions.
The basic usage is great for development and you will be able to connect to any mqtt enabled server running on your system seamlessly. But for any production usage you should probably pass in your own configured client object;
import { connect } from 'mqtt';
import { MQTTPubSub } from 'graphql-mqtt-subscriptions';
const client = connect('mqtt://', {
reconnectPeriod: 1000,
const pubsub = new MQTTPubSub({
You can learn more on the mqtt options object here.
As specified here, the MQTT.js publish and subscribe functions takes an
option object. This object could be defined per trigger with publishOptions
and subscribeOptions
const triggerToQoSMap = {
'comments.added': 1,
'comments.updated': 2,
const pubsub = new MQTTPubSub({
publishOptions: trigger => Promise.resolve({ qos: triggerToQoSMap[trigger] }),
subscribeOptions: (trigger, channelOptions) => Promise.resolve({
qos: Math.max(triggerToQoSMap[trigger], channelOptions.maxQoS),
MQTT allows the broker to assign different QoS level than the one requested by the client.
In order to know what QoS was defined for your subscription you can pass in a callback called onMQTTSubscribe
const onMQTTSubscribe = (subId, granted) => {
console.log(`Subscription with id ${subId} was given QoS of ${granted.qos}`);
const pubsub = new MQTTPubSub({onMQTTSubscribe});
Supported encodings available here
const pubsub = new MQTTPubSub({
parseMessageWithEncoding: 'utf16le',