
A template with relevant gems to quick start a rails app

Primary LanguageRuby

Readme for Rails-Template


This repository contains a quickstart template for a new rails app using the postgresql database, and rspec testing framework

Quickstart guide

$git clone https://github.com/shirlaine/rails-template.git

$cd rails-template

$bundle install

Database Setup

  • $ bin/rake db:create

Integration Test Setup

  • under .circleci/config.yml, replace rails-template with your-app-name

Gem List

  • Development:

    • Bootstrap
    • Jquery-Rails
    • Simple_form
    • Rubocop
    • Faker
    • Devise
  • Test:

    • Rspec-rails
    • Shoulda-Matchers
    • Factory_bot_rails
    • Rails-controller-testing