- HTTP Requests
- IP Address
- Servers
- Stands for Hyper Text Markup Language
- lots of tags
- Biolerplate(structure)
- Head
- Title
- Body
- headings
- h1
- h2
- h3
- h4
- h5
- h6
- paragraph ( p )
- Links (a)
- Lists
- ordered list
- unordered list
- Biolerplate(structure)
- nested Elements
- Exercice 1
- Tabels Tag
- Exercice 2
- Forms
- Forms Exercice (Exercice 3)
- div(used to group elements)
- th for tables heads
- input radio (from Exo3)
- styl attribute in html
- style tag in html
- properties
- Color
- color name : blue ,red ,green ...ect
- color from hexadecimal value : #000000 to #ffffff -color from RGB palet : rgb(0,0,0) to rgb(255,255,255)
- background-color same system of colors
- font-size decide the size of our element
- border : border-size border-shape border-color Exmpl: border: 1px solid green
- width (element width)
- height (element height)
- Color
- selectors
- tags (h1,p,img ...ect )
- class (start with '.' referring to the html attribute class)
- id (start with '#' referring to the html attribute id)
- element inside element example (div div) the space between elements is the reference.
- element after element example(div+div) the plus between elements is the reference.
- :nth-child used to select the nth element with the selector followed before example (p:nth-child).