PHP CRUD is a set of operations (Create, Read, Update, Delete) used to interact with a database in PHP. It allows developers to create, retrieve, update, and delete data from the database. Users can input data through forms, which is then inserted into the database. Data can be fetched based on specific criteria or displayed in its entirety. Updates involve modifying existing records, while deletion removes specific data or entire entries. PHP CRUD forms the basis for building dynamic web applications with efficient data management capabilities.

Tech Stack

Client: HTML, Bootstrap5,Jquery

Server: PHP

Database: MariaDB or Mysql

Others: VSCode,XAMPP


  • Responsive
  • Server Side Validation
  • Prevents from SQL Injection
  • Prevents from CSRF Forgery
  • Prevents from XSS
  • Prevents from Session Hijacking
  • Optimized Code