#Project 4 - FakeSlack Client

##Description You will be creating your own chat client for a "Fake Slack" server.


http://api.jquery.com/val/ http://www.w3schools.com/jsref/met_win_settimeout.asp https://api.jquery.com/jquery.get/ http://api.jquery.com/jquery.post/


The chat server is located at https://node-slack-christopherjkim.c9.io/ and provides 2 api routes:



###1) Fork this repo Click the "Fork" button on the top-right corner of this page.

###2) Clone your new repo into a Cloud9 account workspace

  1. Login to Cloud9 and go to https://c9.io/account/repos
  2. Find "04-fake-slack-client" and click "Clone to edit"

Once the workspace has been processed check to be sure it is up to date by running git status in the terminal. You should receive a messege telling you that your branch is up to date.

NOTE: It is common practice to push your changes to your GitHub repository often. It is recommended you make a push after every major change. Through the course of completing this project you should make 7-10 pushes to GitHub. Your manager will be grading you on this.

To push to GitHub run the following commands in your terminal:
git status
git add .
git commit -m "example comment"
git push origin master


Use the starter code in index.html and script.js



You can go to https://node-slack-christopherjkim.c9.io/messages in your browser to see the last 20 messages.