tags language level type
methods, arrays, hashes, kids, ruby

Ruby Review


Time to test your Ruby skills! Fork (really important!) and clone this lab.

Follow the instructions and write your code in ruby_review.rb.

Then type bundle install into your terminal to install the Gems you need and rspec --fail-fast to run the tests to see if your code is working properly.

Once you get all of your tests passing make sure that the lab is forked onto your own account.

Check this by typing git remote -v in the terminal - you should see your github username in this remote address.

Then push your work onto github with the following commands:

git add .
git commit -m "passes tests"
git push

Go to github and confirm that the code has been pushed up (look at the photo below). Then follow the steps after that to open up a pull request, so we can see your fabulous work!


Step 1 Click on the branch comparison icon from the repository home.


Step 2 Click Create Pull Request


Step 3 Confirm the Create Pull Request