
The project, named "pandemix," is an exercise project that implements a REST API to manage patient data during a pandemic. Although this is just an exercise, the project provides an understanding of RESTful API concepts and their usage.


This project does not utilize a database, patient data is stored and managed within the application's memory.


  1. Clone this repository: git clone <repository URL>
  2. Navigate to the project directory: cd pandemix
  3. Install dependencies: go mod tidy
  4. Run the built code: go run main.go

API Reference


Method Url Description
GET /api/covid Get COVID-19 data.


Method Url Description
GET /api/patient Get all patient data.
GET /api/patient/{id} Get patient data by ID.
POST /api/patient Create new patient data.
PUT /api/patient/{id} Update patient data by ID.
DELETE /api/patient/{id} Delete patient data by ID.