
Sandbox your nixpkgs easily with bwrap!

Primary LanguageNixGNU Lesser General Public License v3.0LGPL-3.0


Sandbox your nixpkgs easily with bwrap!


  • Wraps every binary (inside /bin) of a package with Bwrap automatically

    So you don't need to worry about those packages with 2 binaries that do the same thing

  • Replaces the Desktop item executable with the NixJail version

    So you don't need to worry about Desktop items running the wrong package

  • Keeps symbolic links to the original package

    Because some packages WILL break trying to find these files

  • Makes the result overridable, delegating the override to the original package

    Because some nixpkgs configs WILL try to override the package

  • Add attr noBwrap as the original package to the result's passthru

    So you can use PACKAGE.passthru.noBwrap to use the original package on your config when necessary

  • Does not modify the original package, only wrappes it

    Because nobody wants to wait for the compiler ;)

  • Provides nixjail.fhs, an enchanced buildFHSUserEnvBubblewrap option

    To allow you to create FHS enviroments with many packages in a easier way

See all available config options here


On your flake.nix add nixjail to inputs and outputs, eg:

  inputs = {
    # ... other inputs, eg: nixpkgs.url = "github:NixOS/nixpkgs/nixos-unstable";
    nixjail = {
      url = "git+file:/home/shiryel/nixos/nixjail";
      inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs"; # change to your main nixpkgs input name

  outputs = { nixpkgs, ... }@inputs:
      pkgs = nixpkgs.legacyPackages.x86_64-linux;
      nixosConfigurations.default =
        nixpkgs.lib.nixosSystem {
          # avoid using pkgs, args or specialArgs here, they can conflict with nixpkgs.(...) inside modules
          # see: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/191910
          modules = [
            # ... other modules

Notice that you need to set nixjail.inputs.nixpkgs.follows to your main nixpkgs input, because NixJail does not have a default nixpkgs input (like HomeManager) but still expects it

After adding NixJail as a module you can use it anywhere on your config, eg:

  nixjail.bwrap.profiles = [
      # install many derivations on the same profile
      packages = f: p: {
        prismlauncher = prismlauncher;
        thunderbird = thunderbird;
        # you can also override the derivations of the profile:
        discord = p.discord.override { nss = p.nss_latest; };
      net = true;
      dri = true;
      rwBinds = [ "$HOME/Downloads" ]; # Make sure to use `$HOME` instead of `~`

Rebuild your system, the packages will be installed automatically, and use cat $(which discord) to see the result ;)

Advanced examples

Here some examples making use of some advanced NixJail options, read the docs before using them

  nixjail = {
    bwrap = {
      defaultHomeDirRoot = "$HOME/nixjail";
      profiles = [
        # Firefox
          packages = f: p: with p; { firefox = firefox; };
          net = true;
          dri = true;
          xdg = true;
          autoBindHome = false;
          rwBinds = [
            { from = "$HOME/nixjail/mozilla"; to = "$HOME/.mozilla"; }

        # Lutris
          packages = f: p: with p; {
            lutris = lutris.override {
              extraPkgs = pkgs: [ pkgs.openssl ];
              # Fixes: dxvk::DxvkError
              extraLibraries = pkgs:
                  gl = config.hardware.opengl;
                  pkgs.libjson # FIX: samba json errors
                ] ++ gl.extraPackages ++ gl.extraPackages32;
          dri = true; # required for vulkan
          net = true;
          xdg = true;
          rwBinds = [ "$HOME/Downloads" ];
          extraConfig = [
            # Fix games breaking on wayland
            "--unsetenv WAYLAND_DISPLAY"
            "--unsetenv XDG_SESSION_TYPE"
            "--unsetenv CLUTTER_BACKEND"
            "--unsetenv QT_QPA_PLATFORM"
            "--unsetenv SDL_VIDEODRIVER"
            "--unsetenv SDL_AUDIODRIVER"
            "--unsetenv NIXOS_OZONE_WL"

    # run with `code-workspace` on your terminal (this example requires zsh and wayland)
    fhs = {
      defaultHomeDirRoot = "$HOME/nixjail-workspaces";
      profiles = [
          name = "code-workspace";
          runScript = "foot";
          dev = true;
          net = true;
          roBinds = [
          targetPkgs =
            (pkgs: with pkgs; [

Is it any good?
