
Python quickstart application for the RKStudio REST API.

Primary LanguagePython

MyDataHelps REST API Python Quickstart

This script is a demonstration of how to access the MyDataHelps REST API using Python3. It gives an example of obtaining an access token and making a simple query to the API. You can use this app for reference, or modify it to test out your own API requests in a development environment.


Before you begin, you will need three things related to your RKStudio account:

  • Your RKStudio service account name, like “RKStudio.1234.test.”
  • Your RKStudio project ID, which is a GUID.
  • The private key you associated with your service account.

For help finding this information, see the MyDataHelps Developer Docs.

You will also need to install the following Python packages (most easily done through the Python Package Installer):

pip install PyJWT
pip install cryptography
pip install requests
pip install python-dotenv

Using the App

To run the app:

  1. Clone this repository.
  2. Copy the file dotenv.sample and name the new copy .env.
  3. Edit the .env file and fill in your project ID, service account name, and private key. See Prerequisites above for more information. Be sure to include the begin/end tags “--BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY--“ and “--END RSA PRIVATE KEY--" in your private key.
  4. Run the script: python3 quickstart.py.

If successful, the app will print out your token and number of participants in the console, like so:

Obtained access token:

Total Participants: 5

The access token is only valid for a few minutes, but you can copy/paste it into a REST query tool of your choice to try out advanced queries.


If you see an error when running the script, double-check the information in the Prerequisites, particularly the format of the private key. It should include the begin/end tags and line breaks, looking something like this:

RKS_PRIVATE_KEY="-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\n230703de230703de230703de\nb62b0e24b62b0e24b62b0e24\n...\n-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----"

If you have trouble getting the app to work, feel free to contact MyDataHelps Support.