
A Spring-Boot app that consumes data from ProstgreSQL DB using PostgreSQL DB's Listen/Notify feature

Features Implemented:

  • Subscribe to events from PostgreSQL database
  • Connect to Salesforce.com org via OAuth 2.0
  • UPSERT data into Salesfore.com org using SFDC Rest Apis

Quick Start

Installing and running this app on local machine


Make sure following components / softwares are already installed on your local machine

  1. PostgreSQL DB, default port for PostgreSQL is 5432
  2. Create a table in PostgreSQL database
  3. Run the scripts in the docs/sql folder . Make sure you replace <table_name> with the name of the table you created in step 2

Create a file

Next, you’ll add a new file to this repository.

  1. Click the New file button at the top of the Source page.
  2. Give the file a filename of contributors.txt.
  3. Enter your name in the empty file space.
  4. Click Commit and then Commit again in the dialog.
  5. Go back to the Source page.

Before you move on, go ahead and explore the repository. You've already seen the Source page, but check out the Commits, Branches, and Settings pages.

Clone a repository

Use these steps to clone from SourceTree, our client for using the repository command-line free. Cloning allows you to work on your files locally. If you don't yet have SourceTree, download and install first. If you prefer to clone from the command line, see Clone a repository.

  1. You’ll see the clone button under the Source heading. Click that button.
  2. Now click Check out in SourceTree. You may need to create a SourceTree account or log in.
  3. When you see the Clone New dialog in SourceTree, update the destination path and name if you’d like to and then click Clone.
  4. Open the directory you just created to see your repository’s files.

Now that you're more familiar with your Bitbucket repository, go ahead and add a new file locally. You can push your change back to Bitbucket with SourceTree, or you can add, commit, and push from the command line.