
An echo optimizer for the game Wuthering Waves

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


⚠️ This project is still under development


Echo Optimizer

WuWaOptim.exe "path to echoes.yaml"

See echo file example

Echo Scanner

  1. Go to the echo page in you backpack (press b), scroll to the top
  2. Run WuWaScan.exe as administrator as Wuthering Waves also runs as administrator
  3. Enter the number of echoes to scan
  4. Wait (You can terminate the scanning process with space bar)

⚠️Your Windows Display Scaling must be set to 100%
⚠️Only support 1920x1080 in Simplified Chinese until Kuro fix this, or I have motivation to implementing echo scanning in character page
Text overlapping
Your echo page should look like the following (4 by 6)
Text overlapping

Simplified Chinese Traditional Chinese

Build from source

Tools for compiling

  • git
  • cmake
  • vcpkg
  • Microsoft Visual C++
    • tested on 17.10.4


git clone https://github.com/EMCJava/WuWaOpt.git
cd WuWaOpt && mkdir build && cd build

Replace PATH_TO_VCPKG to the root directory of vcpkg

cmake -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=PATH_TO_VCPKG/scripts/buildsystems/vcpkg.cmake ..

Compiling & Running

Echo Scanner

cmake --build . --target WuWaScan --config Release
cd .. && build\WuWaScan\Release\WuWaScan.exe

Echo Optimizer

cmake --build . --target WuWaOptim --config Release
cd .. && build\WuWaOptim\Release\WuWaOptim.exe