
Primary LanguagePython


Actor-based network recon tool with a publisher-subscriber feedback loop model.


ns.brute   - brute dns subdomains
ns.whois   - whois by domain
ip.whois   - whois by ip
ip.geo     - geoip
verbose    - log to stdout
report     - log to file
scan.syn   - tcp syn scan ip
scan.udp   - udp connect scan ip
rank.pr    - page rank by domain
rank.tic   - thematic citation index (tic) by domain
ns.lookup  - domain name to ip (a, aaaa)
ns.ext     - domain name to ip (soa, ns, mx, srv, cname)
ns.reverse - neighboring domains by domain via third party api
ip.reverse - ptr record by ip
ip.bing    - domains via bing by ip
ns.google  - subdomains via google by domain
ip.subnet  - ip via relevant ptr from subnet


lxml deps:

sudo apt-get install libxml2-dev libxslt-dev

python modules:

virtualenv env
. env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

scapy (optional):

cd install
bash scapy.sh
python scapy/setup.py install


Specify multiple targets in multiple formats:

./dossier.py --ip --ip-range --domain localhost local

Brute subdomains and check google:

./dossier.py --enable verbose ns.brute ns.google --domain [domain]

Find neighboring domains via bing:

./dossier.py --enable verbose ip.bing ns.lookup --domain [domain]

Find neighboring domains via third party api and fetch their pr and tic:

./dossier.py --enable verbose ns.reverse rank.pr rank.tic --domain [domain]

Portscan, geoip, whois all hosts in each /24 (non-overlapping) of all subdomains and log to file:

./dossier.py --enable verbose report ns.lookup ns.brute ip.subnet scan.syn ip.whois ip.geo --domain [domain] --file results.txt


enable scapy:

sudo bash
. env/bin/activate