
Liberty Flutter Mobile App Test

MIT LicenseMIT


Hi! this your determinant test for the position of Flutter Mobile developer at LibertyAssured. If you have any issues, you can read this documentation or also contact Lolu for further clarification.


For this exercise, you will cover some basic concepts in mobile app development and production ready deployment and will be tested on the following concepts.

  • Dart Programming Language
  • FireBase auth and storage
  • Flutter State management
  • Flutter UI development
  • General understanding of the Flutter and the Dart programming language.

Test Rundown

You will be required to fork this repository into your personal account and then carry out few operations of creating functionality of the application.

When completed, make a pull request with your branch name to the Liberty main branch as you progress.

Test Guide

After completing the process in the rundown, please create branch for yourself. Make sure to name the the branch with the following convention <yourname>/update, and also all commits to your branch should carry a message in the following format <ACTIVITY>[Activity details].

  • A sample branch name would be paul/update, and.,
  • A sample commit message would be FIX[ADDED FIRE AUTH]

Task Description

You are required to build the application in the Figma design link given in the task resources.

  • Steps:
    • Using Firebase, allow users to sign up and log in
    • Allow user to create new projects, and also tasks in projects
    • Send push notifications to phone when a user creates a project
    • Send user an SMS when a task has passed it's completion date with out completion

Resources for task

Finally You can reach out to Mr Lolu for any issues or clarifications required on the App.

Good luck, as we look forward to working with you at Liberty Assured in building amazing projects and relationships.