
A simple mqtt client application implemented in scala for M2M communications.

Primary LanguageScalaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


A simple mqtt client application implemented in scala for M2M communications.

What we'll build

A solution where the Dev_Raspi can send events to the broker and the Dev_Laptop can subscribe to the event, in which the RaspberryPi will send its temperature events to the Broker and the subscriber will listen to it

Steps to get started:

  1. This project will use Mosquitto as a broker. So if you have not installed mosquitto please follow the links here (https://mosquitto.org/download/)

  2. We are considering here two device solution : Dev_Laptop (Subscriber) and Dev_RasberryPi (Publisher)

  3. So start your Mosquitto on Dev_Laptop.

  4. Configure the application.conf with the port and the url of the mosquitto server.

  5. Make a assembly jar of this project using the following command.

    sbt assembly
  6. Copy the jar to RaspberryPi using the scp command.

    scp raspi-mqtt-client.jar pi@<pi-ip-address>:/home/pi/Projects/scala
  7. Run the Publisher on Dev_RaspberryPi using the following command

    java -cp raspi-mqtt-client.jar com.knoldus.MQTTPublisher

    This will start the publisher to sending the temperature events to broker.

  8. Run the Subscriber on Dev_Laptop using the following command

    java -cp raspi-mqtt-client.jar com.knoldus.MQTTSubscriber


Hurray ! You have successfully developed a sample IOT application :)