Spring Boot and Apache Camel Using Microservices

Concepts Covered -

1. Spring Boot + Apache Camel
2. Spring Boot + Apache Camel + RestTemplate + JPA
3. Spring Boot + Apache Camel + OpenFeign + JPA

Operations Performed -

1. Rest to JMS
2. JMS to JMS
3. JMS to JPA

Steps to Install Apache Camel -

1. Visit Apache Camel Website - https://camel.apache.org/download/ 
2. Download src zip folder
3. Extract folder and set bin folder path in environment variables
4. Open cmd and run - activemq start 
5. Java needs to be installed before running above command.

Steps to Import Spring Boot Project -

1. Clone this project to local system.
2. Open Eclipse -> File -> Import ->  Maven -> Existing Maven Project -> Next -> select root folder where all projects are present - > Select/Verify project -> Finish
3. Wait until all libraries/jars get downloaded.
4. Configure application.properties file
5. Run All @SpringBootApplication containing files.

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Shivkumar Hegonde