
This is a repository for all Slider Apps

Primary LanguageJava


This is quick install and launch guide of a Socket Server via apache Slider.

Socket Server

This is a simple Java program that spawns 3 threads that listens on ports 63999, 63997 and 63998. The code is in the SocketServer port.

Slider Package for Socket Server

  |--Socket Server package
              |- SocketServer.tar
              |- params.py
              |- socketserver.py

Package Socket Server

From the root of the folder zip up the package zip -r socketserver.zip *

Install the package

  su yarn
  /usr/hdp/current/slider-client/bin/./slider install-package --name SocketServer --package /tmp/socketserver.zip

In the above example I have kept my zip file in the /tmp folder

Create the package

/usr/hdp/current/slider-client/bin/./slider create c3 --template appConfig.json --resources resources.json

Above I am creating a new Instance with name c3. You can create an instance with any name.

Check Status

  /usr/hdp/current/slider-client/bin/./slider status c3

You are done deloying a simple slider app!

You can use the Slider View to manage the lifecylce of this application

Thanks :- Please give feedback to sdutta@hortonworks.com