
Primary LanguageDockerfile

create an alpine container in interactive mode and install python

ANS: docker container run -it --name alpine -P alpine:3.0.0 && apk add --update && apk add python3 && python3

![preview](Screenshot 2023-04-25 153708.png) create an ubuntu container with sllep 1d and then login using exec install pyhon

ANS: docker container run -d --name py -P ubuntu:20.04 sleep 1d,docker container exec -it py /bin/bash,apt update,apt install python3 & python3 --version

create a postgress container with user panoramic and password as trekking .try loggin and show the databases(query for the psql)

ANS: docker container run -d --name database -e POSTGRES_USER=panoramic -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=trekking -e POSTGRES_DB=psqldata -P postgres:15,docker exec -it database /bin/bash,psql --help