Item Catalog: The MOOC Catalog

by Shivaji, in fulfillment of Udacity's [Full-Stack Web Developer Nanodegree]


This application provides a list of items (MOOCs) within a variety of categories (MOOC providers) and provides a user registration and authentication system. Registered users (anyone with a GitHub account) will have the ability to post, edit and delete their own items.

How to run

This simple web application uses GitHub for authorization and authentication. To simulate security best practices, the API keys are not in the main application file or hard-coded. However, to facilitate grading, a shell script,, is available to export API keys (current as of the time of submission) to server environment variables.

This repository contains the mooc-catalog submodule, provisioned as catalog. The more updated and application-only code (no vagrant configuration) can be found at the mooc-catalog repository.

To spin this website up:

  1. Download or clone the p3/vagrant directory.
  2. Initialize the Vagrant vm via vagrant up, which should set up on localhost:5000.
  3. Connect to the virtual machine: vagrant ssh.
  4. (Optional) Obtain your own GitHub API keys by registering a new application. Ensure you add localhost:5000/github-callback as the authorization callback URL.
  5. (Optional) Inside the virtual machine, export your own API keys, GITHUB_CLIENT_ID and GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET.
  6. Navigate to the catalog directory: cd /vagrant/catalog
  7. (Optional) Run the provided key export shell script: source ../
  8. Start the server: python
  9. Navigate to it in your browser of choice at localhost:5000. The first-time run of the server will initialize the database with fixture data.