
Autoencoder compression of jet events

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookApache License 2.0Apache-2.0



ML-compression of ATLAS trigger jet events using autoencoders, with the PyTorch and fastai python libraries.

It strives to be easy to experiment with, but also parallelizable and GPU-friendly in order to aid hyperparameters scans on clusters.

This repository is developed by Erik Wallin, as a bachelor project at Lund University. Builds directly on the master thesis project of Eric Wulff. Technical explanations can be found in his thesis.


Quick guide

Data extraction



Saving back to ROOT

TODO and ideas


Running the container:

Pull the docker container containing useful libraries: docker pull atlasml/ml-base

Run an interactive bash shell in the container, allowing the hostmachine to open jupyter-notebooks running in the container. The port 8899 can be changed if it is already taken. docker run -it -p 8899:8888 atlasml/ml-base

To install the project:

From inside the container, pull the project from the git repository.

git init
git pull https://github.com/Skelpdar/HEPAutoencoders

Alternatively, from the hostmachine, use docker cp to copy the project files and data into the container. (docker cp can be very useful to transfer data to or from the hostmachine.)

Install dependencies (from inside the container): pip3 install fastai pip3 install hwcounter

With jupyter-notebook running, one can access it on the hostmachine from the URL localhost:8899

Incase you are running the project on your local machine, use the requirements.txt file to install all necessary dependencies.

pip install -r requirements.txt

Quick guide

Pre-processing: Extract data from the ROOT DxAOD file-format in the scripts named process_*

The data comes in two types: 4-dim data and the 27-dim data. (Although the original events holds 29 values, only 27 of them are of constant size.)

The ROOT-data should be stored in data/ (by default)

All processed data will be placed in processed_data/ after extraction (by default). No normalization or other ML-related pre-processing is done in this step.

Training: An (uncommented) example of training a 4D-network is fastai_AE_3D_200_no1cycle.ipynb and looks very much like every other training script in this project. If the data you have looks any different it will need to be retrained. See the report for previous searches of optimal network sizes.

Analysis and plots: An example of running a 4-dimensional already trained network is 4D/fastai_AE_3D_200_no1cycle_analysis.ipynb For an example of analysing a 27-D network is 27D/27D_analysis.py.

Code structure: The folders named 4D/, 25D/ and 27D/ simply holds training analysis scripts for that amount of dimensions.

nn_utils.py holds various heplful for networks structures and training functions.

utils.py holds functions for normalization and event filtering, amongst others.

Data extraction

The raw DxAODs can be processed into a 4-dimensional dataset with process_ROOT_4D.ipynb, where the data is pickled into a 4D pandas Dataframe. process_ROOT_27D.ipynb does the same for the 27-dimensional data. Since pickled python objects are very version incompatible, it is recommended to process the raw ROOT DxAODs instead of providing the pickled processed data.

For ease of use, put raw data in data/ and put processed data in processed_data/

The 27-variables in question are:


These values are nice to work with since they are not lists of variable length, which suits our networks with constant input sizes. Worth noting is that ActiveArea and N90Constituents are discrete values.

The pre-processing divides every jet as a single event. Further experiments with whole events might be interesting, i.e. a 8-dim or 54-dim AE for dijet events.


ML details of the training process is in Wullf's thesis. Two well-functioning examples are 4D/fastai_AE_3D_200_no1cycle.ipynb and 27D/27D_train.py.


fastai saves trained models in the folder models/ relative to the training script, with the .pth file extension.

In 27D/27D_analysis.py there is analysis of a network with a 18D latent space (i.e. a 27/18 compression ratio), with histogram comparisons of the different values and residual plots. Special attention might be given to these residuals as they tell a lot about the performance of the network.

For a more detailed plots of residuals and correlations between them, see the last part of 4D/fastai_AE_3D_200_no1cycle_analysis.ipynb

Saving back to ROOT

To save a 27-dim multi-dimensional array of decoded data back into a ROOT TTree for analysis once again, the script ndarray_to_ROOT.py is available. (Soon for other dimensions as well) You'll have to run Athena yourself to turn this into a proper xAOD.

TODO and ideas:

Analysis scripts for CPU/GPU and memory usage when evaluating the networks.

Adding more robust scripts for extraction from the raw ROOT data, i.e. actual scripts and not jupyter-notebooks, for 4, 25 and 27 dimensions. (And optimize them.)

Chain networks with other compression techniques.

Train on whole events and not only on individual jets.