
A Movie Recommender Project based on User Based Collaborative Filtering


A detailed description is provided in the 'report.pdf' file.


  1. Adabala Naren Vamsi -
  2. Kasaragadda Anil Kumar -
  3. Lade Pavan Kalyan -
  4. Tellakula Satya Krishna -
  5. Chitikina Pavan Sai -
  6. Nistala Surya Devaraj -

Built With

Flask - Web Framework
MongoDB - Database

Getting Started

This was developed on Windows 10 and is not tested on other platforms.


You must install MongoDB beforehand, this serves as the database. You can download from this link

To import database into your system, follow the below procedure.

  1. The database is provided in the following link Download and Extract it.

  2. Open the Command Prompt. Change directory to mongodb/server/bin. For example in my system cd C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.4\bin

  3. Run "mongod.exe"

  4. Open another Command Prompt without closing previous window.

  5. Run "cd C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.4\bin"

  6. Run the following command mongorestore -d test "path to your test folder\test"

    For example in my system mongorestore -d test C:\Users\Vamsi\Downloads\recoMe\test

  7. The above command will import all the data into your system with database name test.

Python Packages

You should have installed Python 3.x You must have flask, flask-wtf, pymongo packages in your python libraries. In windows, you can install through following in command prompt if you have pip installed in your system.

pip install flask

pip install flask-wtf

pip install pymongo

How to Run

  1. Extract the files.rar . Open the in the files folder.
  2. You should have running instance of mongodb in the background done in the first 4 steps of Getting Started with MongoDB.
  3. Run the "" file and wait for sometime till it checks all the available packages and start running..
  4. Enter the link "localhost:5000" in your browser and enjoy our recommender system.