
Golang based Microservice application:

A Full-Stack project developed using API REST-based microservices architecture created using Golang, ReactJS, and MySQL.


  • Golang, Install it from here

  • Modules/libraries :

    • Gorilla Mux
    • Gorm
    • Mysql driver
  • ReactJS

  • MysQL Database (Docker container)

Note: This Project is an MVP, and there are scopes to improve this Project.

This repository contains the backend code the URL-shortener project. The current version of the backend is v1.0.

url-shortener-ui: UI for URL-shortener Project

The frontend code for the URL-shortener Project can be found in the repository mentioned in the below link


How to set up ?

Clone Repository from GitHub

Run the below command to clone code from GitHub

git clone https://github.com/shivakumar96/url-shortener.git

Download Modules

Downlod go modules/libraries

go mod download

build the code (Optional)

The executable file 'backend' is in the executables directory. If not, run the below command.

go build -o ./executables

Install docker and docker-compose (Optional)

This project will use the Mysql docker image for the DB setup.
Run the below command from the url-shortener directory

./run.sh --db setup

Run MySQL DB container

To run the MySQL DB, run the below command from the url-shortener directory

./run.sh --db up

To stop the MySQL DB, run the below command from the url-shortener directory

./run.sh --db down

Modify Configuration (Optional)

Update the configuration file config.yml
If DB configurations are modified, the same values should be reflected in db-configuration/mysql-docker-compose.yaml

Run Micro services

To run the API-Gateway microservice, run the below command from the url-shortener directory

./run.sh --urlserver gateway

To run the Counter microservice, run the below command from the url-shortener directory

./run.sh --urlserver counter

To run the Worker microservice, run the below command from the url-shortener directory

./run.sh --urlserver worker

To run all microservices, run the below command from the url-shortener directory

./run.sh --urlserver all

Need help?

Run the below command from the url-shortner directory, to get help on how to execute the service.

./run.sh --help
