
A Java project to find/match words from a set of predefined words.

Primary LanguageJava


Author Details:
Name: Shivakumar Suresh


Task 1: Description: Write a program that reads a file and finds matches against a predefined set of words. There can be up to 10K entries in the list of predefined words.

Requirement details:

  • Input file is a plain text (ascii) file, every record separated by a new line.
  • For this exercise, assume English words only
  • The file size can be up to 20 MB
  • The predefined words are defined in a text file, every word separated by a newline. Use a sample file of your choice for the set of predefined keywords for the exercise.


The solution provided in this project makes use of the Trie data structure. Here, I have used the Trie data structure to store the predefined words; doing this will allow efficient search.

In this project I have incorporated SOLID principles to implement the solution.

Note: This is a Maven project, so to run load it as Maven project.

  • The code is present in the package
  • The Core logic is present in the package
  • I have also created test cases using Junit for the same under the folder

Space and Time complexity:

Time Complexity:

  • The time Complexity of predefined words Trie creation is O(n*l)
    n = number of words present in the predefined words file.
    l = average word size in the predefined word file.
    This is because the average insertion cost is O(l) over n words.

  • The time Complexity of matching input words is O(m*k)
    m = number of words present in the input file.
    k = average word size in the input file.
    This is because the average cost of the search is O(k) over m words.

The total time complexity of reading predefined words and searching for input words is

O(n*l + m*k)

Space Complexity:

we need to store only the predefined words, so, The worst/Average time complexity will be:



The Main class shows the usage of implementation of this project.


I have created a sample of input and predefined word files in the resources directory

  • predefinedWords.txt : predefined words file.
  • sampleInput.txt : input words file.

The usage of the code will be like :

import wordfinder.com.company.assessment.WordMatcher;
import utils.wordfinder.com.company.assessment.StandardTrie;
import utils.wordfinder.com.company.assessment.Trie;
import utils.wordfinder.com.company.assessment.TrieWordLoader;

String predefinedWords =  "src/main/resources/predefinedWords.txt";
String inputFile =  "src/main/resources/sampleInput.txt";

//here, Trie is an Interface
Trie trie = new StandardTrie();
TrieWordLoader wordLoader = new TrieWordLoader(predefinedWords, trie);
WordMatcher wordMatcher = new WordMatcher(wordLoader);

String outputMatchedWords file = "op1.txt";


  • In this project, all File I/O operations will be performed line by line instead of reading the entire file and storing in memory. As a result, it will not cause any memory issues when a large number of words are present in the input file.

  • Here, I'm storing only predefined words; based on requirements, the maximum value it can have is 10K Assuming the average word length is 10, this project consumes a maximum of around 100KB of memory usage.