Local setup

git clone https://github.com/shivam-bit/share-for-notion.git
cd share-for-notion/
npm i
npm run start

Then open http://localhost:3000/

Live - share-for-notion.vercel.app

Goal :

To build a re-usable notion, share widget component with plain CSS + any JavaScript Framework.

My thought process:

  1. Since plain CSS has been asked to use, I can't even use scss.

  2. Since we can use any javascript framework, I will start with react.js as I haven't used it for quite a long and this assignment will act as a refresher.

    Project structure

  3. Then I was thinking about the project structure, which was the most confusing part. Since we need to use plain CSS, one of the other things that I assumed is that we don't need to use any design component library or extra packages for the UI in react.js.

  4. I tried to follow a combination of the atomic design system and the container-view design system.

  5. So I built a bunch of core components like button, popover modal etc., which I believe can be extended to any other new feature.

  6. Then I built modules which are a combination of a bunch of core components and some specific logic.

  7. After which, I built a layout folder. Layouts components are responsible for data layout into a specific form without any business logic.

  8. Then we got containers, which are collections of modules, core components and layouts with business logic.

  9. I created a share context to share states between components and prevent props drilling with minimal propeties.

    CSS structure

  10. I have divided the css into similar folder architecture as react so that we don't need to search for classes.

  11. All shared CSS properties are declared in index.css as a variable so that we use them anywhere and have a single source of truth.

  12. I have followed the CSS BEM methodology for my CSS class name.

  13. I was missing scss as I could easily have used mixins and extended property.

Pending Tasks

  1. Unit Tests (in -progress)
  2. Storybook Implementation (Pending)


  1. Close Modal when clicking outside
  2. Close all popovers when the sibling popover opens up.
  3. Close popover when clicked outside.
  4. Look for performance improvement.