
JDiscordID is the User Information Grabber Asynchronous Libarary for Discord Only by Using UserID.

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


JDiscordID is the User Information Grabber Asynchronous Libarary for Discord Only by Using UserID. Easy To Use also can get Public Data of Any Discord User by its UserID.


I got some free time so i made this and maybe i use this in future because most of the Discord API Wrappers don't provide global user data and only shows details about user in a Guild. (if they do so idk i just made this)

Version : 0.1

Add to your projects

Easy to add in your projects using gradle, maven or jar


  • Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories:
allprojects {
		repositories {
			maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }
  • Add the dependency (replace version with the version on top)
dependencies {
	        implementation 'com.github.shivam1608:JDiscord.id:0.1'


  • Add the repository in pom.xml file

  • Add the dependency (replace version with the version on top)


Download the jar from this repo or release page


How to Get Token


Here's the Docs to Use Lib

First Create an Instance

JDiscordID id = new JDiscordID("TOKEN_HERE");
  • Then Implement the EventAdapter
public class xyz implements EventAdapter{}
  • The Register the Implemented Class
id.registerEventAdapter(new xyz());

And Now Its all setup and ready to go

Search() Method

It is the only method to search for user by their IDs


How to read the response?

It is very easy to read response as we have already implemented the EventAdapter

    public void onUserFound(User user) {

    public void onUserNotFound(Response response) {

    public void onError(Response response) {

Different Methods are called according to sitution

Quick Start

import me.shivzee.JDiscordID;
import me.shivzee.io.EventAdapter;
import me.shivzee.utils.Response;
import me.shivzee.utils.User;

public class Main implements EventAdapter {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        JDiscordID id = new JDiscordID("TOKEN_HERE");
        id.registerEventAdapter(new Main());

    public void onUserFound(User user) {

    public void onUserNotFound(Response response) {

    public void onError(Response response) {

The User.class


        System.out.println("UserID : "+user.getUserID());
        System.out.println("Username : "+user.getName());
        System.out.println("Discriminator : "+user.getDiscriminator());
        System.out.println("AvatarUrl : "+user.getAvatarUrl());
        System.out.println("Time Created : "+user.getTimeCreated());
        System.out.println("Flags : "+user.getPublicFlags());
        System.out.println("isBot? : "+user.isBot());
        System.out.println("Raw JSON Response : "+user.getJsonRaw());

The Response.class


        System.out.println("Status : "+response.getStatus());
        System.out.println("Error/Response : "+response.getResponse());
        System.out.println("ResponseCode : "+ response.getResponseCode());
