
solana cross program invocation

Primary LanguageTypeScript


solana cross program invocation using solidity(solang)

How to Run this program

First setup system requirements using this blog post-> blog_link


  1. Node.js - I recommend installing Node using either node

  2. Solana Tool Suite - You can see the installation instructions here.

  3. Anchor - Anchor installation was pretty straight-forward for me. You can find the installation instructions here.

To build

  1. Clone the repo
git clone git@github.com:shivamsoni00/flipcpi.git
  1. Change into the project directory you'd like to run

  2. Install the dependencies

npm install
npm i -g yarn
  1. set your wallet keypair path in anchor.toml file

  2. Start a local Solana node

  1. Build the anchor project
anchor build
  1. Fetch the project ID for the build:
anchor deploy
  1. Update the project ID in the solidity program and anchor.toml file and run command.
anchor build
  1. Run the tests
anchor test