
Initial Setup


  • Proceed with the installation of PostgreSQL. When asked for username and password, make sure the username is postgres and password is abc123.

  • Search for pgAdmin in your computer and open it, this will redirect you to a browser page. When prompted for username and password, use the one set up in the previous step.

  • Under the "Browser" column on the left side, click on Servers -> PostgreSQL 12 -> Right click on Databases -> Select Create -> Database. In the Name row, write Esteem_v2, and make sure that the "owner" is postgres, then click on save.

  • Once the database is created, right click on it and select Restore. In the file name, select the Esteem_DB file found in the root directory of the repository.

Installing required plugins

  • PyCharm Professional is recommended as it supports and helps with the development of Django-based websites. After cloning the repository, open that folder as project in PyCharm and in the terminal, write pip install -r requirements.txt.

  • Once completed, run the command py makemigrations (py makemigrations APPNAME if the first one doesn't work) and then py migrate.

  • To start the server, write py runserver in terminal.