SyncService Repository

This repository contains Python code for a simple synchronization service (SyncService) that handles communication with multiple devices (Device) to collect and store data. The primary purpose is to demonstrate a basic implementation of data synchronization between devices and a central server.


  • Each Device generates new data points at random intervals.
  • The SyncService handles incoming data records and probe requests from devices.
  • The synchronization process involves sending data records from devices to the server and responding to probe requests with updates.


  • Python 3.x

How to Run

  1. Clone the repository to your local machine:

    git clone
  2. Navigate to the repository directory:

    cd SyncService
  3. Run the file:


    This will execute the testSyncing function, simulating the interaction between 10 devices and the SyncService. The synchronization process will be demonstrated, and assertions will be made to ensure the correctness of the implementation.

Implementation Details

  • Device class:

    • obtainData(): Generates a new data point with a type of 'record' containing device information and random data.
    • probe(): Generates a probe request to be sent to the SyncService.
    • onMessage(data): Receives updates from the server and updates its records accordingly.
  • SyncService class:

    • onMessage(data): Handles messages received from devices. Stores data records and responds to probe requests with the appropriate updates.


The testSyncing function is included in the code to demonstrate and validate the synchronization process. Assertions are made to ensure that the records received by the server match the records stored by each device.

Note: Uncomment the relevant code sections within testSyncing to print and verify additional information if needed.

Feel free to explore, modify, and integrate this synchronization service into your projects. If you encounter any issues or have suggestions for improvement, please open an issue or submit a pull request.

Happy coding!