Always passionate about learning new techniques and ideas. Self-dependent and smart working.
Pinned Repositories
An address book holds a collection of entries, each recording a person's first and last names, address, city, state, zip, and phone number.
Amazon Fine Food Reviews is classification Sentiment Analysis problem. Classify the positive and negative reviews given by Amazon users. Given some product-based features and related reviews in text data. Featuring data and apply various Machine Learning techniques to classify reviews.
The given dataset contains details about organic chemical compounds including their chemical features, isomeric conformation, names and the classes in which they are classified. The compounds are classified as either ‘Musk’ or ‘Non-Musk’ compounds.
Dstl provides you with 1km x 1km satellite images in both 3-band and 16-band formats. The goal is to detect and classify the types of objects found in these regions.
Using ALPHA VANTAGE API to predict google stock price.
Hadoop Applications. In repo have Big Data tools like Spark(pyspark), HIVE(pyhive), Elastic Search, Oozie. I can use all these tools using python libraries after setup all the configration.
Fetch data from MySQL and push it in Cassandra using spark in local mode and vice-versa. Using pyspark to featch data from MySQL and store into Elasticsearch.
Using TensorFlow to create a ResNet model to train a deep learning model for images. Using OpenCV to do some image processing and show image with boundary box.
Basic python program, data structure and python libraries.
Using Twitter API to get tweet data and using spark stream to track '#' trending hashtags. Using Chart.js to visualization of trending hashtags.
shivamgupta7's Repositories
Using TensorFlow to create a ResNet model to train a deep learning model for images. Using OpenCV to do some image processing and show image with boundary box.
Amazon Fine Food Reviews is classification Sentiment Analysis problem. Classify the positive and negative reviews given by Amazon users. Given some product-based features and related reviews in text data. Featuring data and apply various Machine Learning techniques to classify reviews.
Using ALPHA VANTAGE API to predict google stock price.
Dstl provides you with 1km x 1km satellite images in both 3-band and 16-band formats. The goal is to detect and classify the types of objects found in these regions.
An address book holds a collection of entries, each recording a person's first and last names, address, city, state, zip, and phone number.
The given dataset contains details about organic chemical compounds including their chemical features, isomeric conformation, names and the classes in which they are classified. The compounds are classified as either ‘Musk’ or ‘Non-Musk’ compounds.
Interactive deep learning book with code, math, and discussions. Available in multi-frameworks.
Hadoop Applications. In repo have Big Data tools like Spark(pyspark), HIVE(pyhive), Elastic Search, Oozie. I can use all these tools using python libraries after setup all the configration.
Fetch data from MySQL and push it in Cassandra using spark in local mode and vice-versa. Using pyspark to featch data from MySQL and store into Elasticsearch.
Basic python program, data structure and python libraries.
Using Twitter API to get tweet data and using spark stream to track '#' trending hashtags. Using Chart.js to visualization of trending hashtags.
This project reproduces the book Dive Into Deep Learning (, adapting the code from MXNet into PyTorch.
Validate Email address with a regex.
This Repo check Employee Wage.
Given a directed social graph, have to predict missing links to recommend users (Link Prediction in graph)
This is my personal collection of free Hadoop books, please feel free to share and learn.
This project is to build a model that predicts the human activities such as Walking, Walking_Upstairs, Walking_Downstairs, Sitting, Standing or Laying.
Netflix use those predictions to make personal movie recommendations based on each customer’s unique tastes. And while Cinematch is doing pretty well, it can always be made better.
Identify which questions asked on Quora are duplicates of questions that have already been asked.This could be useful to instantly provide answers to questions that have already been answered.We are tasked with predicting whether a pair of questions are duplicates or not
At Santander our mission is to help people and businesses prosper. We are always looking for ways to help our customers understand their financial health and identify which products and services might help them achieve their monetary goals.
StackOverFlow-Tags-Predictions : Suggest the tags based on the content that was there in the question posted on Stackoverflow.
Predicting the number of taxies pickup given next 10 minute times in New York City.
Using MNIST data set to apply different architecture of multiplayer perceptron's and different optimizers.
User Registration System needs to ensure all validations are in place during the User Entry.