
It is a terminal application using core java and mysqli 5.7.

Primary LanguageJava

The provided Java code appears to be an implementation of an E-HealthCare management system. Users can create or log in as doctors, add patients, view patient history, generate patient bills, and access an admin interface. Additionally, the code suggests integration with MySQL for managing data.

Here's a brief summary of the code:

1.Menu System:

  • The program presents a menu-based interface for various E-HealthCare operations.
  • It uses a Processbar class for a loading simulation and a clearScreen method to enhance user interface clarity.

2.E-HealthCare Operations:

  • Create/Login Doctor (choice == 1):
    • Users can create a new doctor or log in with existing credentials.
    • Doctor creation involves providing an ID, name, fees, and password.
  • Add Patient (choice == 2):
    • Users can add a new patient, providing details such as ID, name, mobile number, address, gender, and the attending doctor's name.
  • History of the Patient (choice == 3):
    • Users can view the medical history of a patient by entering the patient's name.
  • Bill of the Patient (choice == 4):
    • Users can generate a bill for a patient by entering the patient's name.
  • Admin Login (choice == 5): *A dmin login requires a username and password. Successful login triggers the creation of an AdminLogin object with a subsequent call to logindisplay.
  • Exit (choice == 6):
    • Graceful program termination with a thank-you message.

MySQL Integration:

  • Database Connection:

    • The Connection method establishes a connection to a MySQL database named "healthcare" with the username "root" and password "root."
  • Doctor Operations:

    • createDoctor: Inserts new doctor information into the "doctor" table.
    • loginDoctor: Allows a doctor to log in, providing options to view and edit patient information.
    • displayAvaiDoctor: Displays available doctors by querying the "doctor" table.
  • Patient Operations:

    • addPatient: Inserts new patient information into the "patient" table. It associates the patient with a specific doctor based on the provided doctor's name.
    • patientHistory: Displays the medical history of a patient by querying the "patient" table based on the patient's name.
    • patientBill: Calculates and displays the bill for a patient based on the number of days stayed, bed charges, service charges, and doctor charges.
  • Database Interaction:

    • The code uses JDBC (Java Database Connectivity) to interact with the MySQL database.

For the GitHub introduction section, you can highlight the integration of MySQL for database management in your E-HealthCare system. Describe how doctor and patient information is stored and retrieved from the MySQL database. Provide instructions or prerequisites for setting up the MySQL database schema and ensuring proper connectivity. Additionally, consider mentioning any future plans for improvements or additional features. If there are specific tables or structures in the MySQL database that the code relies on, you may want to document them in the README or code comments.