Create a card component with different styles. Create multiple styles only using css. Do not change the template. (hint: use the power of flex-box to change layout)
Create a list of chips inside a container. (hint: flexwrap ?)
- Chips should wrap to next line automatically.
- UX reference: https://material.angular.io/components/chips/examples
- Don’t add inside the input as it might require some JS (people comfortable can implement)
- Key is how to add multiple wrapping chips in a container.
- A chip can have an icon on the left of the text and a cross icon fixed at the right most end.
Create a drawer component.
- UX reference: https://material-components.github.io/material-components-web-catalog/#/component/drawer
- There could be both left and right icons. (Support nesting?)
Create a header component
Create a badge component (hint: positioning?)
- UX reference: https://material.angular.io/components/badge/examples
Create a snackbar component (hint: positioning)
Create different styles of dialogs
- UX reference: https://material.io/components/dialogs#usage
Create different styles of tabs
- UX reference: https://material.io/components/tabs#usage
- Create only one component and change styles using CSS