$ git clone https://github.com/shivampandey0/marvel-vids.git
$ cd marvel-vids
$ npm install
$ npm start
- Marvel Vids was envisioned to be a platform where one can easily find content relating to Marvel.
- With content categoriezed by Avengers, featuring nail biting moments from Marvel Movies.
- Additionally we have implemented various features to ensure you have an amazing experience as you binge watch your favourite videos, like and create your own collections.
- Authentication - User can create account, login and logout.
- Landing Page with dynamic categories. User can easily view videos based on selected category.
- Single Video Page - User can like video, add to watch Later, Add/Remove from Playlist with realtime updation. User can view video on dynamic embed player with information about the video prominently displayed at the bottom. User can also view related videos based on same cateogory on the right of embedded player. On playing the video, it will be added to User history.
- Playlist Page , consists of all User Playlists. User can browse various playlists, check out individual playlist and also delete both video from playlist and also entire playlist itself.
- Watch Later Page - User can view videos marked to watch later and also delete them.
- History Page - User can view previously watched videos and also clear entire history.
- Liked Videos Page - User can view and delete their liked videos.
- Built with a mobile first approach, we ensure responsiveness for nearly all devices from 375px onwards.
- React JS
- React Router v6
- React Context API + useReducer
- MarvelUI Component Library for CSS
- Backend setup using Express, Node and MongoDB MarvelVidsBackend
- Netlify for Deployment
Checkout the live deployment here: MarvelVids