The Project is an Event-Booking Webapp made from scratch using PERN STACK .
What is What in Backend
- Controllers Folder works the command of admin. Login,get ID of attendee of event(although ID specific is commented because of work in front-end),events to display all the events.
- controllers also have the add attendee and add event ,delete event commands.
- Models have the ID,password and other details for Postgres.
- routers have operation to work different link of Admin,attendee and events.
- Database_SQL is about what commends you must to start the postgres.
Upcoming Upgradations
Authentication to be improved along with using Event ID for operation about viewing Data and modifying events.
Procedure To Start
- Git star(optional)
- Git Fork
- Git Clone
- NPM Start to Start
- CD Backend and NPM Install to install dependencies of Backend.
- NPM Start to Start Server
- Open Other power shell
- CD frontend and NPM Install to install dependencies of frontend.
- NPM Start to start the frontend.
Dependency Software Must in system to Run this
To Create Database for entering Values
- Go to location where Postgresql is installed.
- CD to version of Postgres
- CD to bin and start the Command Prompt
- Type psql -U postgres .
- For Password type 123456
- Copy paste Create Database from Database.sql
- Type \c and database name.
- Copy paste all commands written in Database.sql.
Server has been started successfully and you've to enter data via frontend.
Current Major issues of this project
- Deployment issuses,although successfully built its not responding.
- Issues with displaying Attendee of a certain event
- Everything,every commands works in backend with Postman just tuning with frontend to be done.