Live Demo


  • User can upload single/multiple .mp3/.wav files to the website
  • User can then preview the files uploaded to the system
  • For mp3 files user can play, pause, stop, and loop the file using the control buttons
  • User can upload a CSV file to the system and can preview it as soon as it is uploaded
  • User can sort the data in the table
  • There are certain validations for both the audio and CSV file
  • Audio file must be only .mp3/.wav filetype and must be less than 3mb
  • CSV file must contain appropriate required headers and should be less than 200kb
  • Most of the errors are handled gracefully with appropriate message
  • There is authentication and authorization in the system.
  • User can register/login with email and password, Google, and Facebook.


  • UI can be greatly improved
  • Code can be restructured for better readability and maintainability
  • Uploaded files can be stored to a database example firestore so that it can be persisted because as of now it is only in state and will be removed once the page is reloaded
  • User logged in state can be identified with the help of firebase by creating a custom hook and calling firebase's function

Local setup

  • git clone
  • cd react-mp3
  • pnpm i (or npm i)
  • pnpm dev (or npm run dev)