We created this project as a part of Database Management System Course.
- Project Description
- Basic Structure
- Functionalities
- ER Diagram
- Database Schema
- Screenshots of the Interface
- Tech Stack
- How to Run
- Contributors
In this project we created a Apartment management system with user interface and database support.This project is a part of our curriculum, here we solved the problem of manual entry of data in apartments by creating user interface and storing data in mysql database.
- Admin can login.
- Admin can view the tenant and owner details.
- Admin can create owner.
- Admin can allot parking slot.
- Admin can view the complaints.
- Admin can see total Owners.
- Admin can see total Tenants.
- Admin can see total Employee.
- Owner can see the Tenant details of his/her owned room.
- Owner can create Tenant.
- Owner can see the complaints from his/her owned room.
- Owner can see the Room Details.
- Owner can see Total Complaint.
- Owner can see Number of Employee.
- Tenant can see the alloted parking slot.
- Tenant can pay maintenance fee.
- Tenant can raise complaints.
- Tenant can see his/her Tenant id.
- Tenant can see his/her Name.
- Tenant can see his/her Age.
- Tenant can see his/her DOB.
- Tenant can see his/her Room no.
- Employee can see all the complaints.
- Employee can see Total number of Complaints
All the admins, owners, tenant, employees can login and logout.
- Frontend - HTML5, Tailwind css, React JS
- Backend - NodeJS, ExpressJS
- Database - MySql
First, clone the github repo
Then, install the dependencies by opening the terminal with path as that of cloned github folder and do the following
For Client side, cd client
npm install
For Server side, cd server
npm install
Install MySql workbench if you don't have one, and then import the export.sql file under database folder in workbench.
Then in server folder create a file "config_sql.js" add localhost name, database name, username and password of your sql workbench and export it.
Now to run, type the following
For client,
npm run start
For sever, npm run start
Now, you can use the project.