
Connect MongoDB with PHP Cheatsheet


Database Database
Table Collection
Tuple/Row Document
column Field
Primary Key Primary Key (Default key _id provided by mongodb itself)

Install Composer

composer require "mongodb/mongodb=^1.0.0"

Insert in PHP file

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

Connect to MongoDB Client

$client = new MongoDB\Client();

Select Database

$db = $client->dbname;

Select Collection

$collection = $db->collname;

Shorthand Selection

$collection = (new MongoDB\Client)->dbname->collectionName;


  • Get all documents
 $cursor = $collection->find();

Iterate using for loop

$collection->find().pretty() will display documents in pretty format.

  • Get document(s) based on a single field

Similar to Select * from table where attribute = value

 $cursor = $collection->findOne(array('email'=>$email));
 $cursor = $collection->find({ status: "A" }, { item: 1, status: 1 }) //similar to Select item,status from table where status='A'
 //if any field:0, that field will not be shown

$cursor["attributename"] will give value of that attribute

  • limit(n) will return only n documents
$cursor = $collection->find(array('email'=>'admin@example.com'));
foreach ($cursor as $key){
echo $key['email'];
  • Get documnet(s) based on multiple fields
$res = $coll->find(['email'=>'abc@xyz.com','password'=>'123']);
//iterate using for loop
  • Insert Document
$result = $collection->insertOne([
    'username' => 'admin',
    'email' => 'admin@example.com',
    'name' => 'Admin User',

$result->getInsertedCount() will return the number of documents inserted.

  • Insert Multiple Documents
  • Delete Document
$var= $collection->deleteOne( ["username"=>"admin"]);
echo $var->getDeletedCount();
  • Delete Multiple Documents
$var= $collection->deleteMany( ["username"=>"admin"]);

$var->getDeletedCount() will return the number of documents deleted.

  • Count
$c = $coll->count();