Inventory Management System using MEAN stack

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Inventory Management System using MEAN(Mongo DB, ExpressJS, AngularJS, NodeJS) stack

The purpose of the Inventory Management System (IMS) is to provide an efficient and enhanced way to manage a business’s Inventory. The following features are within the scope:-

  • Define and manage the organization’s warehouse hierarchy.
  • Define & configure Items, categories and attributes
  • Creation of Vendors
  • Upload Inventory procured from the supplier
  • Track physical warehouse transfers
  • Track the lost & damaged items found during transfer of stock between warehouses
  • Define, track & extend the warranty of Inventory
  • Inventory lifecycle management
  • Report Generation
  • User Management

Technological aspects

The application I will develop is a basic Inventory management application that supports standard CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations. First, I’ll create a RESTful API server to act as an interface for querying and persisting data in a MongoDB database. Then, will leverage the API server to build an Angular-based web application that provides an interface for end users.

The important files/folders that I’ll be directly modifying are listed below-

package.json A configuration file that contains the metadata for the application. When there is a package.json file in the root directory of the project.

app.json A manifest format for describing web apps. It declares environment variables, add-ons, and other information required to run an app on Heroku. It is required to create a “Deploy to Heroku” button.

server.js This file contains all the server-side code used to implement the REST API. The API is written in Node.js, using the Express framework and the MongoDB Node.js driver.

/src directory This folder contains all of the AngularJS client code for the project.